The 3 Week Diet

why you are waiting start losing weight now

Posted by healthybody | Posted in , , | Posted on 8:32 AM

Do not wait for tomorrow .. Lose weight starting today
Why wait to start a diet to lose weight, what do you think of starting in weight loss from now? Follow these simple steps, effective and you will losing weight today.

1) Carry a notebook and a pen.
Be sure to write in a notebook so. Everything goes into your Stomach should be written, preferably as soon as you Swallow it. If your daughter finished the rest of the food for breakfast, write it. Have you had a small piece of chocolate in the office? write it. Do you tasted 'and you cook soup? write it. The writing of what we eat and drink makes us more aware of what enters your Stomach every day. And also gives us an easy way to track the amount of food and the number of calories and the cause of our problems.

2) Ask yourself, 'Why? "
Every time you start eating or drinking something, ask yourself one word: Why? Why eat this? Am I hungry, tired, tense, or single? Must be the correct answer: hunger. If you're not hungry, do not eat. If you feel tension, boredom, loneliness can do the following: taking a nap, read a book, friend of communication - a holistic only if you feel hungry.

3) to forfeit the total food weight.
That's right, if you do not eat meals planned will not lose the weight. Why? Because the constant hunger will make you to eat a snack, or eating more than you need, or a feeling of misery and surrender immediately. Each person needs to eat and worth the three meals per day. Snacks, too (if, I was hungry only). Forget about those snacks rich in sugars and fats. It leaves you feeling more hungry. Any meal should include whole grains, fruit and vegetables, protein and even a small amount of fat.

4) Remember your favorites.
If you're trying to avoid your favorite foods completely, will you lose control of yourself quick and you start eating it without consciousness. The solution is to address a few of them every morning or evening, but slowly and quietly, I enjoyed biscuits, or chocolate. Whatever worked, do not feel guilty. Any small part of the preferred diet keep you feeling satisfied and happy - and contributes to weight loss. Do not feel deprived, but do not forget yourself.

5) motor body more
Everyone of us loves a particular sport, why not make it your favorite hobby, I walk, Dive, Play tennis, karate, and even dance. I walk in the park with your kids. If you like staying in the house, you can purchase sports equipment and use at home. Do not forget that home based business are useful and help to get rid of excess weight as well.

Quick and effective Tips:
1. Stay away from programs of food preparation.
2. Add spices to your food, especially curry, cinnamon and herbs because they help you feel full, and maintain the level of sugar in the blood.
3. To get rid of the habits of eating bad snacks, Paste a picture of a mannequin at the door of your fridge, that is sure to be seen will make you think again before open it.
4. Discard all the snacks in the house, such as biscuits and chocolate, and sweetened juices, and ice cream. Keep the amount of sugar-free ones, eat a piece every day as a reward for disposing of excess weight.
5. Urban fruit salad and vegetables in the refrigerator, will help you avoid snacks because they will be present upon request.

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