The 3 Week Diet

the 6 commandments of the healthy diet

Posted by healthybody | Posted in , | Posted on 4:54 AM


Before starting any diet, there are some basic rules to follow so that your
system is working properly, that's what we call the 6 commandments
of the healthy diet :

1) Remember to stay hydrated (1.5 to 2 liters of water per day): this may be the water herbal teas or tea (beware, however, not to over abuse tea stain your
teeth will darken). Water should be consumed throughout the day and during the
meal, it allows the body to eliminate toxins harmful to the proper functioning of the body.

2) Spread the temptation: the best way to resist temptation is to avoid having a source close to home. Therefore, avoid up to have a closet full of candy,
pastries, cakes ... trying to shop smarter and replacing the
As the sweet and fatty snacks in a smart snack (fruit, vegetables ...).

3) many people who, practicing a diet, weigh themselves every day to
check if you do not gain weight. Weight loss should be a goal, not a
obsession. To avoid a source of motivation, one should weigh yourself once a week always at the same time, the morning before breakfast after stool. Indeed, the weight fluctuates in the
day depending on food and fluid intake.

4) Exercise: you have to forget diets that promise weight loss
easily without doing anything. Physical activity, in addition to an increase in expenditure energy allows a muscle toning. Your body will be firmer and forms better defined.

5) Eat slowly: you must know that the feeling of fullness comes twenty minutes after the beginning of the meal. So if you put extra time to eat, your body will be able to indicate that sufficient quantities are ingested and it will save you from eating large amounts of food when your body does not need it. let So the stomach time to say it is full.

6) Do not skip any meals: all meals are important. Also, take a
time during a meal to chew food to ensure proper digestion.
Remember also that the feeling of satiety is 20 minutes prior to be felt
so as to take his time to stay in touch with his body and not to eat more
body do not ask.
Every meal is important, and, breakfast gives you calories to exit
night of fasting.
Throughout the day, your body needs calories, then you must bring him by the
daily meals taken at three. It would be easy to think that you skip a meal
will lose weight, that's correct, but your metabolism will begin to store calories
as soon as he can to prepare for an upcoming period of fasting and promote Reserves
fat (see our little explanation).