The 3 Week Diet

True fat loss story

Posted by healthybody | Posted on 2:28 PM


One day I was sitting in a café and I was typing the new fat loss program on my lap top, there was a guy sitting behind me and he was looking to my lap top screen to see what I was writing ,and suddenly he said hey man are you writing a fat loss program ?
I said yes I am ,then I looked behind me and i saw him he was a very fat white male
He said I have a problem with fat loss Especially with the size of the buttocks and abdomen ,so I asked him to come and sit near to me and if he wants to have a cup of coffee with me and he agreed , then I asked him what is the problem ,he said I am too fat and because of that I cannot have a nice time with my friend or having a girl friend , I asked him about his job he said that he is a travel agent and he works at a Tourism company , I asked him if he doing any sport activities he said no I am just sitting behind the desk all the day and at home I have not any sport activities , and he said that makes him un happy all the time and have a very bad psychological state , and he told me he will go to another city on the next month for his cousin wedding and he wants to be More Fitness and loss all his fats

I asked him do you followed a fat loss program before?
He said no I did not ,so I asked him to open his black berry cell phone and to give me his e-mail address because I will send him a link for a good and effective fat loss program so I sent him this link:-

he asked me for my cell phone number to be in touch with me so I gave him my cell phone number and I told him to follow the fat loss program and to tell about the results , after three weeks he called me and he said thank you my friend I followed your fat loss program and I lost a lot of fats and now I have nice new look and I will go to my cousin wedding next week and he sent me his new photos and he was much better and more fitness than before.
If you want to have the same result that this guy had ,just contact me and tell me what is your problem and I will help you to solve it just leave a comment below and I will answer you immediately , thank you and good luck every one.

Fat loss program to have slim body

Posted by healthybody | Posted on 8:26 AM


Just imagine you are in friends party or on the beach and you look too fat
It is very embarrassing and you cannot wear the clothes you wish so you have to
Follow fat loss program with the appropriate fat loss program you will have the slim healthy body and you finally will wear the perfect clothes.

Fat loss is not the impossible mission its depends on the person strong will in the first place ,if you have the strong will so you have the half of the fat loss solution.

Now it is the time to take off all the bad ideas and memories about fat loss, and to start your new fat loss program today and we will help you to achieve you goal, and we promise you that we will do our best to make you satisfied about your weight and your look to have the life style you desire.

*the diet program:-
Before breakfast drink two cups of water after the addition of three tablespoons of lemon juice to it.

one Loaf of bread with two tablespoons of honey or jam
Or 30 grams of white cheese + cup of tea or milk.

at 10am: a cup of tea with fruit.
before the afternoon meal: two cups of water with one apple with its peel.

the afternoon meal:-
Saturday: Unit and a half of bread + salad + 2 units of medium-sized cabbage
Sunday: one bushel of rice + salad + a large piece medium-sized walk
Sunday: one bushel of rice + salad + a large piece of chicken or fish
Monday: The Unit and a half of bread + salad + 2 present numbers of the meatballs, weighing 100 g
Tuesday: bushels of rice + skewer of grilled meat or a large piece of meat stew 100 g.
Wednesday: Unit and a half of bread + skewer of grilled meat or boiled eggs.
Thursday: bushels of rice + large piece of chicken or fish
Friday: Unit and a half of bread + medium piece of chicken or fish.

Saturday: two thirds cup of green peas soup with vegetables without bread + Salad
Sunday: alone of the bread +30 grams of white cheese +3 numbers of coconut
Monday: The Unit of bread + salad + medium piece of chicken or fish
Tuesday: Unit of bread + tablespoons of the authority of potatoes with eggs
Wednesday: two thirds cup of lentil soup or a dish without Bread + Salad
Thursday: half a pizza or meat pieces with two units of bread + Salad
Friday: three pills medium boiled potatoes without bread + salad.

* notes on the fat loss program:-
-add half tablespoon of the olive oil to the salad every two days.
- the total intake milk per day is equivalent to just one cup.
-the allowed consume of sugar per day is 20 grams.

*if you have any questions about the fat loss program or you want our help about fat loss just leave a comment below and we will answer it as fast as possible.