The 3 Week Diet

how to choose the right foods for your diet and meals system

Posted by healthybody | Posted in | Posted on 4:35 PM


Choosing the right foods is just at a fitness diet, the A & O. for a
Normal people like it enough to make his FDH, but here on eating nothing
changed and are still ultimately the same wrong foods consumed. a
Light switch on products does not necessarily bring the desired success, since many still
Sugar is used, should be without at a bodybuilder better.

Rather, is to avoid fatty foods, and better sources of carbohydrates
switch. Good sources of carbohydrates are for example Pasta, rice, potatoes, oatmeal or
Wholemeal bread. The bread of course, a leaner meats selected and omitted the butter
be. Cottage cheese with herbs also tastes very good way. Should one or oatmeal to
be bold, so for example Millet or barley cereals are a good alternative. To gluten, Cause water retention in the body, a bodybuilder needs without competitive ambitions
to not pay attention.

In order to conserve fat should be replaced, especially the fat with lean protein sources. at
Meats are lean ground beef (filet, tartar), turkey and chicken meat (of course without
Skin), game (if you like the taste). Even pork can be very thin if you
Loin chooses, even if most bodybuilders shun pork.
Fish is another good source of protein, but one should note that there are also varieties that
have a higher fat content, such as salmon, mackerel and herring. Frozen fish such as pollock,
Redfish and cod are low in fat and are also suitable for stockpiling.
Last but not least, you also save on fat dairy products. Many athletes use e.g.
normal low-fat milk with 1.5% fat. If you drink two liters a day, then have the same 30g, so
270 Kcal. An alternative is skim milk with 0.3% fat. Also cottage cheese or cottage cheese are good
Protein sources. A good skim milk yogurt also keeps the intestinal flora fit.
To the fat in the diet but to maintain it at a good value, but with these
to reach the many simple and polyunsaturated fatty acids in the diet should be
Return with good oils, nuts and vegetable fat supplement.

Especially for dairy products is often thought that they cause water retention in the body.
But this is not the case with the milk protein, as is often erroneously assumed, but
by the milk sugar. In this respect, no problem milk products, which contain little lactose as
e.g. Quark. And even if you want to miss out on the water storage, then this ultimately only of interest to give at the end of the diet the body the finishing touches. in no
Case must be eliminated milk from the beginning.

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what about Weight training

Posted by healthybody | Posted on 5:25 AM


Once you have made ​​on the diet idea, then you should of course also the
Training do not lose sight of.

Previously there was the general misconception that in the development phase with few repetitions
should train, in the definition phase, with many repetitions, since these more calories
incinerate. By the way people thought back then that one with a lot of belly fat training locally
could burn in the middle of the body. The result was that some athletes are up to an hour
Abdominal training spent. The success was understandably low.

Today we know however, that in the definition phase, no fundamental changes to
should make the reps and exercises. If one of the major muscles
Has weights and basic exercises designed so one can switch with isolation exercises on higher
Reps, the training stimulus to maintain muscle decrease. The result is
especially in the diet of a loss of muscle mass, because the sudden change in higher
Rep other muscle stress. This will now turn the
trained into large muscle fibers and less burdened recede. The newly
strained muscle fibers get through but the diet does not build up enough nutrients delivered to
to. The result is a loss of muscle mass.
What is in a diet should be avoided whenever possible however, is a workout with very low
Reps (under 3), and maximum repetitions. Thanks to the low
Liquid level in the body are the joints and ligaments much more sensitive, making it
this can easily lead to injuries.

Fat loss by endurance training

Posted by healthybody | Posted in | Posted on 5:12 AM


In recent years, endurance training has become increasingly important in fat loss in
Bodybuilding get, as this can burn properly applied directly to body fat. It is
Whether you're training on the ergometer, treadmill or stepper.

Central criterion in fat loss by aerobic training is the heart rate, between 130
and should be 140 beats per minute. If the heart rate is too high, you come back into the
anaerobically, and the energy is taken not only from the body stores, but,
if they are empty, even from the muscles themselves, thereby increasing the accumulation of
Lactic acid also destroys muscles again. There are formulas that are accurate heart rate
calculate, but it is impossible to keep the pulse constant at this value. therefore
sufficient to state of 130-140 beats per minute from.

The body usually begins after about 30-45 min. directly to burn body fat when the
Energy saving has fallen into the muscle. Therefore it makes sense that in the cardio
To create the connection to weight training, or in the morning hours, when the muscle memory
not after the night is filled. Thus, the fat burning phase can be reached quickly.

If the body is eventually used to the cardio, it is difficult for the
Heart rate still bring to this value. In this case, one should increase the load, eg
by a higher cadence and a higher level on the device.