abdominal fat loss,to get six pack abs
Posted by Anonymous | Posted in Abdominal fat loss , six pack abs | Posted on 1:02 PM
Today, we re going to talk about topic, can you get six pack abs through
abdominal fat loss program alone. We have a lot of people ask us this, because
following abdominal fat loss programs is really popular when it comes to
getting abs. Some of the measure factors of dieting is it lowers your
metabolism. why don t you tell us something about how it affects your
metabolism so this way people really understand between healthy eating and
really following correct abdominal fat loss diet? So a lot of people what they
do, especially we re getting more women watching this channel now and I have
seen a lot of women doing this to where they don t really want to workout or
they have been told by usually nutritionist and dieticians that working out is
not that important. So they don t workout, but what they do is they follow an
abdominal fat loss program, they re pretty strict on it, and they cut the
calories a lot. have seen a lot of people like this and what happens to you is
like you said before
you might lose some weight. It s better than doing nothing, but your
shape is not really going to change. It s going to be like a small version of
what you already are. And if you look if you don t have any muscles on your
body, because you re just following the abdominal fat loss program then what
you re doing is you re basically just dropping all of your calories down and
your body is going to look like you know a skeleton and the skin, and that s
really it, because it does not have any shape. Because
remember guys a shape is made from muscles. Like imagine that if we did
not have any muscles we will just be skeletons, skins, and organs. And that s
why the type of look people get when they only diet and they don t stimulate
their muscles to produce that nice shape. If you want to have nice shoulders,
if you want to have tonal chest, or if you re going to have legs or things like
that, back. All the stuff is shaping your body. Daniel Rose: Most definitely.
So what will be your suggestion for someone to start working out if they were
trying to only do with the abdominal fat loss plan? What s like a good first
step they can take? Mike Chang: Well, first step they can take is if you want
to go ahead and
follow abdominal fat loss program, just know that if this is something you re
not very experienced in, which is working out, which is why you re going to
take the dieting approach, it is better than not doing anything at all. you
might as well at least diet instead of not diet and just eat fast food or
something like that, but try to go ahead and incorporate a little bit of
resistant training.
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