abdominal fat loss,how do I can have abdominal fat loss
Posted by Anonymous | Posted in Abdominal fat loss , bally fat , belly | Posted on 5:13 AM
What's up guys? We are here today to talk about one of the most popular
questions that we get, which is how do I can have abdominal fat loss. So what
do you think? Is it possible for people to lose only their bally fat? Only their abdomen fat? Absolutely not. This
is why ab crunches and stuff like that is effective, because
you can t just get
rid of the fat around your abdomen. There is no such thing as spot reduction, and a lot of guys do not understand
that, a lot of people do not, because if you talk to people a lot of times they
will say something like this. They will go, I want to go ahead and I am happy with my arms, I am happy with
my chest, I small go ahead and just lose the midsection, this right there, my
legs look fine, just right here. And I am like, well, you can t really just do
right there.
Well, what do you mean? And it's like, no such thing as spot reduction.
Think about this, when you see somebody who lost weight, most of the time you
notice that it s not like they took off their shirts and you are like, wow,
your abs look more defined. No, you see the weight loss actually in their face
first. Usually, somewhere around here, the double chin is up to this up here,
the jaw line, and stuff like that. And that s actually because they lost fat
everywhere. So when they do take of their shirt, will their stomach be flatter?
But so will their face and so will their arms, chest, legs, and they will go
down on the pant size and they lose fat everywhere. So that s when you
concentrate on abdominal fat loss, you actually have to concentrate on losing
fat everywhere, because that s the key. You can't just do it in your abdomen.
Dan: So you're saying when people are doing 200 crunches, it's not taking the
fat right from there and burning it up? No, because your body is not going to
care about that you are doing the crunches. It needs extra calories that it's
going to take from everywhere including your stomach.
So key thing is you have to go ahead and do other things. Our bodies
were not made to look like fitness models. That is not our body and that s not
what we were designed to do. Our bodies were designed for one thing, survival,
to live. If not so that this is where we can go ahead and look like one of
those people like magazines. So that s why you are going to go ahead and just
take all the fat from the abs so this way everybody has perfect six packs. When
your body needs extra calories and does not have it, then it's going to go
ahead and break down your fat and use that as fuel and vice versa. If your body
does not need the extra calories, it's not going to break down anything;
especially it has lot of extra food.
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