The 3 Week Diet

allowed and banned diet foods for breast cancer patients

Posted by healthybody | Posted in | Posted on 6:00 PM

today we will give you a list of the most common allowed and banned diet foods for the breast cancer patients.

by reading this article you will know what is the best diet foods for the breast cancer patients.

That we can not change our genes or genetic factors that cause breast cancer but we can change our habits of food reduces the risk of this disease.

Because the majority of cases of breast cancer is not related to genetics to conclude that other factors such as our lifestyle and our diet may play a role in this matter, says Mary Flynn, nutrition scientist at the Miriam Hospital and a participant in the writing of the campaign against breast cancer.

To reduce the risk of breast cancer there are five foods recommended intakes and five foods should be avoided.

the allowed diet foods:

1 - olive oil
Benefits: Olive oil contains antioxidants and plant nutrients such as squalene, which inhibit the growth of the tumor, also contains a higher proportion of monounsaturated fats than other oils. This unilateralism is not oxidized fat in the body. The oxidation process results in chemicals increase the risk of cancer.

Advice: add tablespoons table at least of olive oil to your diet such as that you mix vegetables salad with olive oil makes the vegetables taste better and opens the appetite to eat large quantities of them. Despite the high-calorie about 120 in each table spoon, but studies have shown that most of us that whenever the quantities of olive oil for our food I said the risk of breast cancer.

2 - leafy vegetables
Leafy vegetables contain the plant nutrients that can stop the spread of cancer and cancerous tissue from forming. The work of these plant nutrients are also converted to changes in the cell so that estrogen your body produces a form of estrogen does not stimulate breast cancer.

Advice: add a lot of acts of various kinds such as cabbage, broccoli, cabbage, cabbage marketer normal and kale to your diet. Tsdda In order to deal a decisive blow to the national cancer cook the vegetables with oil especially olive oil, which will help your body absorb more nutrients.

3 - dark leafy vegetables
Leafy vegetables contain huge amounts of (vitamin B), which strengthens the DNA of the person. Has proven to be low (vitamin B), known as folate increases the risk of cancer.

Advice: Eat lots of spinach and kale were the more dark-green leaves the better.

4 - many fish fat
Proven that women who were taking oral fish oil have a lower proportion in the risk of breast cancer (about 32% less) than women who do not eat these disks, says a study published in the Journal of Epidemiology cancer. And fatty fish contain the omega-3 fatty acids may reduce inflammation in the body.

The researchers believe that acute infections may stimulate the development of breast cancer.

Advice: Although some women take an alternative property of fatty fish (fish oil tablets), but the researchers recommend obtaining omega-3 directly from the fish. For this we must address the 3.5 oz of high-fat fish such as salmon, tuna, mackerel every week.

5 - tomato
Tomatoes contain a high proportion of the substance lycopene, a substance strong resistance to oxidation. It does not give tomatoes their color only, but also protects from breast cancer and so stop the growth of cancer cells.

Advice: the body absorb the substance lycopene better when tomatoes are cooked and focused. The largest of these sources is found in tomatoes, cans tomato sauce, tomato sauce, so you do not feel guilty if they indulged in eating lots of pizza and pasta.

the banned diet foods:

1 - red meat
Grilled red meat contain heterogeneous components called amines (HCA) that cause cancer. Red meat also contains the amino acids that stimulate insulin production and increase the oxidation of the body which increases the risk of cancer. In one study found that women who eat meat cooked well three times a week have an increased risk of breast cancer by more than 400%.

Dominated in the food you want. You do not have to give up looking for ways to eat meat and turn to a vegetarian, but you should limit intake of red meat, so do not eat more than 6 ounces per month.

2 - fruit grapefruit
May cause the fruit to raise levels of estrogen in the body, which increases the risk of breast cancer. According to a study of the British Journal of Cancer that women who were taking the amount of a quarter pill grapefruit or more every day have an increased risk of breast cancer by 30%.

If you're addicted to grapefruit citrus you can change to any other until you receive the results of other research determined benefits or disadvantages, especially if you're someone who proved the existence of a positive estrogen causes cancer in their body.

3 - vegetable oils
Contain vegetable oils such as soybean oil and safflower oil, sunflower and corn are high in saturated fats that increase the cancer-causing oxidation in the body.

This is recommended to replace those oils with olive oil, you should also reduce the intake of mayonnaise, but if he is made of olive oil does not contain hydrogenated fats. The scientists returned to advise women to return for the use of butter in the food.

4 - candy
Women who binge-eating candy than overnight with the risk of breast cancer by 27% for those who eat less candy. The magazine says "the causes of cancer and how to control it." Food that contains high levels of refined carbohydrates such as is found in candy linked to the presence of high levels of blood glucose which is forcing the body to secrete insulin. And insulin promotes the growth of cancer cells and can lead to high levels of estrogen, which increases the development of breast cancer.

Must be continually on the examination of sugar, so when these women do not become sweet food, but in the daily events.

5 - processed meats
The researchers suspect that the contents are used as preservatives in processed meat turn into cancer-causing substances.

This is recommended for researchers to eat less processed meat and completely addressed in the short events only.

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