The 3 Week Diet

Overweight is another way to say you're fat

Posted by healthybody | Posted on 8:13 AM

There are many different reasons why people become overweight or FAT.

It is not as simple as saying that fat people just eat too much because there can be any number of psychological reasons that make people want to binge eat .

Emotional triggers such as stress, sadness, depression and so on can all make a person want to eat. This is due to the fact that there are certain chemicals in the brain that are linked to both mood and hunger.

Many people associate eating with various different emotions and for this reason they choose to eat more food to make themselves feel better, or happier, or more comforted.

For a lot of people it is habit to over eat and behavioral modification will be the key to weight loss success in these cases.

One of the easiest ways to change your eating behavior is to eliminate any temptations. This is best done at the supermarket by not actually buying foods that are going to cause you a problem. Funny though, it's not the food neccessarily that cause the weight gain.

By not having low value foods in the house you won't be tempted to eat them because they won't be there and this will encourage you to eat better foods and in doing so change your behavior patterns.

This process is made considerably easier if all members of the household will help towards achieving the goal of better eating.

Can you eat cheese cake and lose weight? Can you binge on potato chips and still lose weight? The real questions is not that youcan't lose weight eating these things, but do you really want too? You can eat anything your heart desires, but there is a formula to keep you at your BMI as long as you follow the formula it doesn't matter to much what you eat.

Why because you will only want so much of any food for a given amount of time. How much cheese cake can you eat before you won't want to look at another piece of cheesecake?

If you do the shopping then you will be able to determine what food is purchased and this will help to make your weight loss easier, and in doing so it will help the nutrition of all members of the household. Of course there is a short cut to all this. get the secret weight loss formula to the real you the fast way possible

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